In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school and move to the building which they intended to contribute in memory of their father, Mr. Chan Sui Ki, a successful merchant and one time President of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, a well-known charitable organization in Hong Kong. Not wishing to accept the offer themselves, Rev. Fr. Cronin, the Provincial, proposed the offer to the La Salle Brothers. Eventually, it was decided that La Salle College accept the offer and transfer the existing evening school operating in La Salle College to the new building. The evening school under the supervision of Brother Herman Fenton operated from 3:00 until about 8:00 p.m. The government would provide the site and an 80% subsidy. The Chan family would donate HK$500,000.

In December, 1968 work began on the site. In April 1969 the foundation stone was laid by the then Director of Education, Mr. Gregg, and on September 3 the school moved into the classroom block with 951 students and 34 teachers all together. All the while work on the school hall and the laboratories, library, Geography Room, Art Room, etc. and the Brothers' Quarters (which unhappily provide an accommodation for only four) continued until December 12 when the Building Authority inspected the completed building in preparation for giving the final occupation permit. The official blessing and opening ceremony was performed on February 12, 1970 by Rev. Fr. Colombo P. P. and the Hon. J. Canning, Director of Education, respectively.

The community was inaugurated on July 1, 1969 when Brother Herman Fenton, Director and Brother Eugene Sharkey were appointed to the new school. Later they were joined by Brothers Cronan and Paul Hackett. Until the Brothers quarters were ready the community continued to reside in La Salle College. 

The school is named after Mr. Chan Sui Ki: this was the condition on which the Chan family donated HK$500,000 towards its building. During his life-time Mr. Chan Sui Ki contributed generously to various worthy causes and projects. During the years 1914-15 he built numerous houses and hospitals for the poor and he built roads in his home town and at the same time put up more than twenty free schools in Hong Kong and Macau, Canton, Fat Shan and elsewhere in memory of his father. For his charitable work his birth-place was sometimes known as "the Port of Chan Sui Ki".

In 1936 he received the "Golden Dragon" medal from the Vietnamese Government in recognition of the help he had given in their troublesome times. On several occasions he sent handsome donations to Northern China, Canton and Hong Kong and for years he distributed free rice to the needy of Macau. It was to commemorate the memory of this man's record of philanthropic works that his family decided to build a school bearing his name and to turn the running of it over into the hands of a reputable body in the hope that it would be a worthy monument.

Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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